torsdag 30. september 2010

New friends in the blog world

One of my English classes started to blog in class to day. There were several problems with making the accounts but finally everybody were on the net. I find that this was a giving session for all of us because we used the English language very active. Even though I decided the theme to write about I'm pleased how it turned out. Hopefully my students think the same. I realize that it might be a threshold to get over for some as it has been for me but I think that this will help us all to develop over writing skills.

fredag 24. september 2010

I am swimming and swimming

I have found every possible excuse not to write anything in this blog. My main excuse is of cource that I do not have the time required. The past two days have been full of events as I have been so lucky to spend time at the Impuls-conference in Nordfjord in the county of Sogn and Fjordane. One of my favorite things about attending gatherings like this is all the ideas I get. Well, guess what I have found out that I have no exuse any more so here we go. My first mission will be to get one of my classes to make an individual blog and use this to sum up every session or work we have had.

mandag 7. desember 2009

Tikk takk, tikk takk

Not much activity on my new made blog. I have had a thorough think through about the use for me. I can see that blogging could be a good communication tool but what about all the time I will use to build it up. I might have the wrong idea about how I want my blog to work. Perhaps this should only be a way of airing my thoughts and not a bank where I publish my ideas and work for inspiration for others and myself. It seems like I have to think a little more about this project. One of the things I hate the most is wasted time.

onsdag 18. november 2009

Welcome to my page. I am an English teacher at a vocational school in Norway. I want to try out this media to get in contact with new inspiration and creativity on a new arena. I have chosen the title swimming in a fishbowl by Pink Floyd as I have been inspired by this text a lot during my life in different contexts. Now I feel like I am swimming in a fishbowl. Enjoy.